Our Story
The story begins in Norway in 1985 when Thor Johansen, a native Norwegian, became critically ill. He was diagnosed with a life-threatening condition of the liver. To be true to his passion for life and devotion to his beloved wife and six children, Thor began his pursuit for knowledge and healing. His determination to find a cure caused him to travel extensively throughout Europe and North America. Almost half a million patients had been treated at the renowned Gerson Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, so Thor sought help and answers from those experienced doctors and specialists. He was told that due to the advanced stage of his condition it would be difficult or impossible, to survive on his own.
Thor was not willing to concede defeat. His philosophy of health was, “If the body could create a life-threatening disease, it could also heal itself if given the correct tools.” He sadly states, “Many people have lost faith in the power that is inherent in each human being and in the body’s capability of reversing what it has been creating.”
Thor returned home to Norway where his condition continued to worsen. Because of fatigue, he was only able to stay up for a couple of hours a day. His desire for knowledge of the body and its synergistic biochemistry led him to study over 200 books and other pieces of literature. During this struggle he was gaining the understanding of how different organs and systems of the body are integrated and work together to promote health and vitality. From these principles learned Thor started supplementing and cleansing with organic foods and juices to defeat the disease. This philosophy is the cornerstone of how he cured himself as well as how he believes lifestyle and supplements work together.
By 1988 Thor was well on his way to a vibrant recovery. His continued studies brought him to the teachings of Dr. Bernard Jensen. Dr. Jensen was recognized as the “father” of iridology in modern times. He was world-renown for his understanding of holistic healing principles. In his writings, Dr. Jensen had the same philosophy of systematic integration of the body. This intrigued Thor so much, he sought out Dr. Jensen. After explaining his story to the doctor over the phone, Thor was invited to meet him. When they met, an alliance was created to work together and formulate products in years to come.
Thor went on to be personally tutored and mentored by Dr. Jensen ultimately becoming his number-one pupil, graduating at the top of his class. Sharing the same vision and passion they traveled together and arranged classes for naturopaths across Europe.
Magnifying the same teachings, philosophies, and principles developed by Dr. Bernard Jensen, Thor has been formulating vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplements for the Scandinavian health food market for over 20+ years. His product line is the market leader in numerous categories. It is the intentions of Thor Johansen, and Bio-Life, to finally share these formulas and systematic principles with the rest of the world. Joining the philosophy of Dr. Jensen and modern-day technology, Bio-Life is proud to bring these products to the U.S. market. It is within these guidelines and ideals that all of us here at Bio-Life dedicate our finest efforts and family care to carry on the philosophies of one of the greatest healers of modern times.